For Law Enforcement Only
Video Analytics
World Class Cyber Crime Investigation Training
Teel Technologies’ mobile device forensics training provides examiners from entry-level to expert – a comprehensive curriculum to advance their skills.
A forensic image and video enhancement program that has proven itself over 30 years in forensic investigations. It includes many science-based filters, report generation and extensive help functions are integrated into the program.
Our solution provides an easy-to-use platform on which images and video files can be investigated for traces of manipulation. You can use filters or trend analyzers, extract metadata, or by review the file in a hexadecimal viewer. The software enables you to easily collect these traces into one single report to build a case.
Our software tool used for image comparison using reverse projection, a form of photogrammetry. You can place a ruler in the live feed in the same position as the object/person and estimate the size, shape and visible features of the object/person.
We help government agencies detect bad actors and FAKE Accounts to counter disinformation and propaganda
We Help Make Philippines Cities Safe and Smart
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